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Are you finding it hard to sleep during the night? If yes, then you need to think about your teeth! Tension in the jaw will result in more issues than you might be aware of. For this reason, taking the necessary measures of correcting the tensions will solve health problems you are not aware were linked to the mouth. Lots of benefits come with wearing a mouth guard! When stress is overwhelming you, you will probably grind your teeth when sleeping. These guards will take care of this. However, these advantages provide more than only to prevent teeth grinding.

Do You Need a Mouth Guard?

You can prevent all tooth issues that grinding causes by preventing the grinding of your teeth. So here’s why you need a mouth guard to prevent all these issues. First, we look at the troubling signs.

Signs of teeth clenching and grinding

There are some signs to watch out for if you suspect teeth clenching and grinding during the night:

  • Teeth feeling loose
  • Chipping teeth
  • Tight of sore facial muscles or jaw
  • Regular headache every time you wake up

Reasons why you need a mouth guard

1. Preventing headaches

Do you always have headaches every time you wake up? If yes, then you may be clenching the jaw shut and grinding the teeth.

Additionally, teeth clenching and grinding causes toothaches and headaches. A lot of teeth clenching and grinding will cause neck pains, jaw aches, tiredness, and earaches. However, you can prevent these issues by having a customized mouth guard. These dental guards can align the teeth and underbite and overbite to keep away related jaw pain.

2. Minimizing pain and tension to the jaw

Clenching the jaw is another popular thing that most people do while sleeping. TMJ or temporomandibular joint is part of the jaw joint that goes through tension. It is known as TMD or temporomandibular joint dysfunction when it’s aligned in the wrong way.

Wearing a mouth guard will help minimize jaw pain and tension caused by temporomandibular joint dysfunction or TMD. The guard is designed specifically for the teeth. For this reason, it will fit lightly and comfortably into the mouth.

This device will greatly decrease the stress that the jaw muscles and joints go through while sleeping. This allows the jaw to relax.

3. Saving you money

Saving your teeth will ultimately save you money. The damage caused by jaw clenching and teeth grinding is expensive. And this damage will become more expensive over a prolonged period. As the years fly past, the teeth get increasingly severely damaged.

So you should address it before it begins or the first symptoms of jaw clenching and teeth grinding. If you detect it early enough and use a mouth guard, you will ultimately save yourself lots of money.

4. Offers healthy sleep patterns

Jaw clenching and teeth grinding while sleeping are not good habits. And if you are unaware you are making this habit; you are doing it without your knowledge while sleeping.

Since a mouth guard will help alleviate discomfort, it will also help with healthy sleep patterns. You can use your customized mouth guard to perfectly align your jaw into a position that minimizes stress. This causes muscle relaxation, which leads to stress-free sleep.

5. Prevention of damage to the teeth

Because teeth grinding takes place when you’re unaware, the more it occurs, the more you are likely to suffer from enamel loss. Over-sensitivity happens when the enamel wears away. For that reason, your mouth might hardly stand cold or hot food or drinks. Without enamel also protecting the teeth, they will get more prone to decay when it proceeds into the teeth’ hard enamel.

Additionally, teeth grinding will cause damage by wearing out fillings and fracturing a weak tooth. A mouth guard will make sure there’s no contact between your bottom and top teeth while sleeping.

Remember, you will have to make trips back to the dentist because of damage to the fillings. A mouth guard will play an important role while you sleep to protect the teeth from these problems.

Do You Need a Mouth Guard?

6. Helps prevent snoring

Though snoring might be a huge problem for your significant other rather than yourself, it is still essential to deal with the problem. Using a mouth guard is one way to do so.

Jaw clenching will result in breathing issues. Not breathing properly while sleeping will result in snoring. Once this device is in place, it will keep the bottom and top jaws from touching.

Making sure the jaws separate from each other will increase the amount of air that you can breathe while you sleep. For that reason, you’ll be able to breathe well because of the increase in air and snore less.

Hire the best professionals

Most people don’t connect muscle aches with problems linked with TMD. So it is essential that you keep in mind the signs listed above. And consult with a trustworthy dentist about any worries.

And if you think you may be experiencing jaw clenching and teeth grinding, then make sure you contact us today! And solve these bad habits before they can cause grievous damage.