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Suppose you encounter severe dental health problems; it is advisable to seek specialized quality care from an orthodontist professional. However, before you trust an one, there’s some information you need to know. Thus, upon consultation, make sure you inquire about everything you would like to know. Below are some of the frequently asked questions orthodontists come across.

What Questions Should I Ask My Orthodontist?

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can you tell me about your background?

Having background information of your service provider gives you confidence in his or her capabilities. Therefore, it is essential to ask about his or her education, experience in the industry, passion, and relationship with his patients. Certify his completion of three years of training in orthodontic treatment. Moreover, make sure he has at least two years of experience in orthodontic therapy.

What treatment options do you suggest, and what results will they achieve?

You should carefully look at the recommended orthodontic treatment options for your problem. You might ask; why is the technique recommended for you, how to go about it, and the expected outcomes. Make sure the professional understands what you need and will help you achieve your desired results.

What are other orthodontic options can I consider?

Usually, an orthodontist will recommend certain types of treatment for you during your visit. Please request him or her to explain all the treatment options and inquire about other suitable alternatives. Let the professional walk you through each treatment method’s advantages and disadvantages to settle on the best choice.

What changes will I need to take during treatment?

Once you settle on a particular treatment method, ask about any lifestyle changes you will need to make. Also, ask what to expect during the treatment process and after completion of treatment as well. For example, if you start wearing braces, you might require changing your diet and significantly improving your oral hygiene.

Do you have similar cases you can show me?

Different patients have different problems. Therefore, it is essential to note that no matter how much experience an expert has, he or she may lack information on how to deal with your problem. Consequently, ask the expert if he or she has ever encountered a similar problem. Afterward, gauge if he or she can help you obtain your desired results.

What Questions Should I Ask My Orthodontist?

How long will my treatment take?

One of the most critical questions you need to ask is how long the treatment will last. Ensure you know the duration of the treatment process. Averagely, orthodontic therapy takes approximately two years, but patients and situations vary. Additionally, inquire about the frequency of your consultations during the treatment process.

What is the cost of orthodontic treatment?

Cost is one of the main factors that will help you settle for a particular orthodontic treatment option. Note that different orthodontists offer their services at different prices. However, the most important thing is to know the services provided within a given price range. Inquire if any additional services will require extra costs and if any in-between visits will incur more charges. Also, it is essential to ask if they allow for health insurance covers or not.

What are your opening hours?

We all have busy schedules. Skipping class or being absent at work to visit an expert is not a good idea. Furthermore, most of these work on a tight schedule and are rarely in the office. Therefore, please inquire about the opening hours and make sure they match with your preferred time frame. If not, you might consider looking for another professional who will work around your schedule.

Can someone with braces still play sports?

If you love sports, this is an important question to ask. Most of these professionals will allow you to participate in your usual game. However, they will advise you to wear a mouth guard to prevent any injury on the teeth, jaw, and gums. 

Do braces hurt?

Upon consultation, ensure all your fears are addressed. The thought of brace installation is intimidating, but when equipped with the right information, you will realize it is nothing to worry about. Braces keep evolving to promote comfortability among patients. Dental professionals will tell you to anticipate a little discomfort, especially during the first week. The good thing is the discomfort is treatable using pain killers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

What about oral hygiene?

Ask your orthodontist on the best ways to maintain oral hygiene when you have braces on. Proper oral hygiene practices will assist you in obtaining your desired outcomes. Additionally, it will help you in preventing other oral infections leading to bad mouth odor. 

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