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Every day’s oral hygiene routine comes in three essential steps: brushing, flossing, and mouthwash to rinse the teeth. Fluoride is the common factor in these three steps! Are you aware that you can get it in most supplements, water supplies, mouth rinses, foods, floss, and toothpaste? Fluoride is an important ingredient in dental products for several reasons.

Is Fluoride Your Friend?

What is fluoride?

You can get it in foods, water, and soil. It occurs on a regular basis and is plentiful in nature. The synthetic type is used in water and dental hygiene products like mouthwashes, toothpaste, and other chemical products.

How it works

Plaque exists in everyone’s teeth. This is usually a sticky film layer that’s caused by naturally living bacteria in your mouth. Released acids cause cavities when sugar comes into contact with the bacteria in plaque. Decay occurs when the acid starts to destroy tooth enamel. It will help minimize the ability of the plaque bacteria to produce acids. Furthermore, this natural mineral will remineralize the already decayed areas of the teeth.

How fluoride benefits your teeth

The most popular dental issues are cavities. The best way to prevent cavities is to offer the teeth enough fluoride constantly. Weakened enamel causes cavities. But the ability of this mineral to fortify enamel significantly enhances overall oral health and helps fight tooth decay.

Both adults and kids will benefit from the cavity-fighting powers of this mineral. This mineral will allow for healthy teeth before they burst through the gums. It does this by strengthening the new teeth. This makes it easier for teeth to withstand decay as soon as they emerge.

Clean the teeth

This mineral plays a huge role in cleaning up the teeth, removing plaque and other hazardous items. In addition, it will help to boost the gum’s health and overall oral health.

Restoring enamel

The major perk of this mineral is restoring the enamel. This outermost tooth layer helps to protect all the teeth from cavities. But the daily food, the daily diet you eat, has lots of foods that are bad for your enamel’s health. Sugar, soda, and other common foods attack this part of your teeth. This weakens the ability of your teeth to keep cavities at bay. Fluoride will restore that.

Fluoride can be obtained in the following ways:

  • If the water supply you use is not fluoridated, you can take a dentist-prescribed fluoride supplement.
  • Have a professional use foam, gel, or varnish to apply fluoride directly to the teeth.
  • Use fluoride toothpaste to brush twice daily for 2 minutes. As soon as a kid’s first tooth emerges, they can use this toothpaste. Rice grain size until three years old, the size of a pea for everybody over age three.
  • Drinking tap water


  • If a lot of it gets ingested while adult teeth are coming out, it may cause fluorosis. This leads to tooth enamel looking stained or spotted. If you oversee the kids brushing and using the correct toothpaste, fluorosis is not likely to take place.
  • This mineral lets teeth grow an even sturdy exterior enamel layer referred to as fluorapatite. This layer is more decay-resistant than teeth that have no fluoride exposure.
  • You can find this mineral all over; in the food we eat, in the water we drink, and in the air. A mineral you can find in water and soil, it can strengthen enamel, which makes it more decay-resistant.

Is Fluoride Your Friend?

Negative effects

In unusual scenarios, fluorosis will take place if too much fluoride is ingested while kids’ teeth are still developing. It is popular with kids. However, there are no hazardous repercussions apart from the emergence of white specks on the teeth. You can prevent this by keeping an eye on the kids while they brush to make sure that they do not use a lot of toothpaste or ingest it.

Is fluoride your friend?

After years of research, the major threat associated with it is overuse among kids. If you expose your children to too much of this mineral when they are very young, they may get fluorosis. This will make their tooth enamel have dark stains or white spots.

This takes place if kids ingest lots of fluoride toothpaste. So it is essential to train young kids to spit out the toothpaste while brushing and use specially formulated kids’ toothpaste. When used in the right doses, this mineral is safe. If you want to have a dental checkup or know more about how to maintain healthy teeth, contact us to find out more.